
Scratch Addons 不支持您在使用的瀏覽器.

Please update your browser to use Scratch Addons. We recommend exporting your settings before doing so.

After updating your browser, you can import your settings by going to Scratch Addons settings > More Settings > Import settings.

These are the browsers we currently support.

Chromium 96+

Chrome 96+下載如何更新
Microsoft Edge 96+下載如何更新
Opera 82+下載如何更新
Brave 1.33+下載
Vivaldi 5.0+下載如何更新

System requirements: Windows 7+ OS X / MacOS 10.11+ Chromebooks less than ~6 years old

Firefox 109+

Firefox 109+下載如何更新

System requirements: Windows 7+ OS X / MacOS 10.12+