Thanks for the interest to help with translating Scratch Addons to other languages! Scratch Addons is available in more than 15 languages thanks to the help of volunteers around the world.
Please read this page carefully to continue.
Requirements to join as a translator
- For example, you’re fluent in English if you can use the Scratch Addons settings page in English, or if you understand griffpatch’s videos. If you struggle to understand sentences without a translator, you’re not fluent.
- You must be a NATIVE SPEAKER of the language you want to translate to.
- Potrebujete e-poštni naslov. Dobro je, da ga spremljate vsaj enkrat na teden.
- Potrebujete račun na
If you’re not a native speaker but consider yourself fluent enough, you may also request to join. Keep in mind taking some language classes does not make you fluent. If you wouldn’t change your smartphone’s system language to it, you’re not fluent enough!
Podpiramo samo jezike, v katere je Scratch že preveden. Podpiramo tudi jezike, ki se pišejo od desne proti levi, kot sta arabščina in hebrejščina.
Vsebina, ki jo lahko prevedete
Razširitev Scratch Addons
Splošni prevodi. To je ~150 nizov besedila, ki so uporabljeni v razširitvi. Uporabniki jih vidijo v svojem jeziku samo, če je prevedenih 90% nizov.
Prevodi dodatkov. Ti nizi vključujejo imena, opise, nastavitve in drugo besedilo, povezano z dodatki. Prevodi so vidni uporabnikom, če je splošni del prevoda že na voljo in je prevedenih tudi 80% teh nizov. Prevedete lahko več kot 1000 nizov.
Spletna stran Scratch Addons
Prevajalci imajo tudi možnost, da prevedejo vsebino spletne strani Scratch Addons. Za več informacij o prevajanju spletne strani glejte dokument Prevajanje.
Podprti jeziki
Podpiramo večino jezikov, ki so na voljo v Scratchu.
Kliknite za ogled celega seznama podprtih jezikov (več kot 50 jezikov)
Abkhaz (ab), Afrikaans (af), Amharic (am), Aragonese (an), Arabic (ar), Azerbaijani (az), Belarusian (be), Bulgarian (bg), Bengali (bn), Catalan (ca), Central Kurdish (ckb), Czech (cs), Welsh (cy), Danish (da), German (de), Greek (el), Spanish (es), Estonian (et), Basque (eu), Persian (fa), Finnish (fi), French (fr), Western Frisian (fy), Irish (ga), Gaelic, Scottish (gd), Galician (gl), Hebrew (he), Hindi (hi), Croatian (hr), Haitian (Haitian Creole) (ht), Hungarian (hu), Armenian (hy), Indonesian (id), Icelandic (is), Italian (it), Japanese (ja), Georgian (ka), Kazakh (kk), Khmer (km), Korean (ko), Kurdish (ku), Lithuanian (lt), Latvian (lv), Maori (mi), Mongolian (mn), Norwegian Bokmål (nb), Dutch (nl), Norwegian Nynorsk (nn), Northern Sotho (nso), Odia (or), Polish (pl), Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_BR), Quechua (qu), Rapa Nui (rap), Romanian (ro), Russian (ru), Slovak (sk), Slovenian (sl), Serbian (sr), Swedish (sv), Swahili (sw), Thai (th), Tswana (tn), Turkish (tr), Ukrainian (uk), Uzbek (uz), Vietnamese (vi), Xhosa (xh), Chinese (China) (zh_CN), Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW), Zulu (zu).Teh jezikov še ne podpiramo: Asturianu (ast), Esperanto (eo), Español Latinoamericano (es_419), Filipino (fil), Hausa (ha), Japanese (Hiragana) (ja-Hira), Occitan (oc), Portuguese (Portugal) (pt_PT). Če bi radi prevajali v enega od naštetih jezikov, ki jih trenutno ne podpiramo, nam pišite na naslov [email protected]
Za ta jezika ne sprejemamo novih prevajalcev: italijanščina, španščina.
Steps to join as a translator
Please follow the steps below.
1. Potrdite svoj Scratch račun
- Obiščite studio na Scratchu s svojim Scratch računom.
- V studiu pošljite komentar, v katerem navedete jezik, v katerega bi radi prevajali (na primer
If you don’t have a Scratch account, please send an email to [email protected]
instead. Do not create a new Scratch account just to fulfill this requirement. New Scratcher accounts will be ignored.
2. Ustvarite račun za Transifex
- Pojdite na stran za registracijo za odprtokodne projekte.
- Prikazal se bo Transifexov obrazec za registracijo. NE registrirajte se z Googlom.
- In the “business email” field, enter your email (it can be Gmail, Outlook, or any other).
- In the “username” field, we highly recommend you enter your Scratch username, or a slight variation of it.
For example, if your Scratch username isjohn_walker954
, your Transifex username can be exactly the same (john_walker954
) orjohn_walker954_scratch
. - In the “password” field, enter a password.
- Click the “Sign up” button.
- You’ll be asked for your First name and Last name.
- In the First name, we recommend you enter your Scratch username.
- In the Last name, we recommend you enter the language you want to translate to (for example,Greek
). - In the “languages you speak” field, select at least one language you’re fluent with (for example, English).
- Click the “Let’s get started” button.
- Continue with the “requesting a language” steps below.
If you already own a Transifex account and don’t want to create a new one, please send an email to [email protected]
indicating your Transifex account’s username. Then, continue with the “requesting a language” section below.
3. Requesting a language
- Make sure you’re logged in to Transifex. If you just signed up, you are already logged in.
- Go to Scratch Addons’ Transifex page.
- You’ll be prompted to choose the language you want to translate to.
- Choose one of the languages which are “available to join”. We do not support languages that are not available to join.
- Click the “Join Project” button.
- Wait until your request is accepted.
If you have a Discord account, we encourage you to join our Development Discord server.
[email protected]
indicating your Transifex username and your request will be strongly reconsidered. See below for other contact methods.
Help or contact
If you have any questions about translating, you may choose one of the following options:
- Send an email to
[email protected]
. - Join our Development Discord server.
- Open a discussion on GitHub (GitHub account required).
- Send feedback (make sure to specify your Scratch username in the form, we will reply in your profile).
- If you get accepted, you may add yourself (or be added) to the website’s credits page.
- Your translations are licensed under the same license as Scratch Addons (GPL v3.0).
Upoštevajte pravila vedenja. Te komentarje lahko vidite na forumu, kjer lahko svoj komentar tudi uredite ali izbrišete.