

Veľká vďaka týmto úžasným ľuďom za prispievanie na projekte prácou na Scratch Addons, či už na jeho funkciách, jeho témach, jeho webstránke, atď. (emoji kľúč)

Prispievanie každého druhu je vítané! Prispeli ste hocijakým spôsobom? Prečítajte si, ako dostať vaše meno sem.

This project follows the all-contributors specification. View the contributors repository here.

190 contributors


These dependencies are being used to make Scratch Addons possible.



Special Thanks

Special thanks to everyone who is listed below.

  • The Scratch Foundation for creating Scratch.
  • All of the Scratch userscript, userstyle, and other tool creators.
  • Griffpatch for jumpstarting Scratch Addons with his extensions.
  • Everyone who has sent us tons of feedback.
  • Everyone who has written us a review.
  • Everyone who has contributed but not listed here.
  • Everyone who has supported us in any other kind.
  • You, as a Scratch Addons user!