Have something to say about Scratch Addons, the browser extension? Let us know through the feedback form located on https://scratchaddons.com/feedback/.
We can’t help with issues related to Scratch moderation. Instead, use the Report button on the Scratch website, or reach Scratch through their official channels.
Если Вам нужна альтернатива, вот несколько вариантов.
- Create a issue on the repository.
- Create a post on our Discussions tab
- Send a message on our support Discord server
- Свяжитесь с одним из тех, кто внёс вклад в Discord’е, Твиттере или другими методами
It is discouraged to contact one of the contributors through Scratch due to the policy that forbids advertising extensions/userscripts.
By the way, we have a FAQ page for your usual questions.