Perguntas Frequentes

Essa página contém perguntas frequentes relacionadas à extensão e projeto do Scratch Addons.

Questões gerais

O que é o Scratch Addons?

O Scratch Addons é uma extensão de navegador “tudo-em-um” para o site e editor de projeto do Scratch. Ele adiciona funções e temas (chamados de addons) ambos para o site do Scratch e para o editor de projeto. A missão do Scratch Addons é combinar todas as extensões, userscripts e userstyles existentes para o Scratch, desenvolvidos por diversos membros da comunidade, em um único lugar de fácil acesso, e ainda deixar os usuários escolherem quais funções querem usar.

Quem criou Scratch Addons?

Scratch Addons é uma equipe liderada por World_Languages. Você pode achar a lista citando as pessoas que contribuíram ao projeto na página de créditos. Apesar dos addons “Mensagens do Scratch” e “Ferramentas de desenvolvedor” terem sido inicialmente criados por griffpatch, ele não mantém a extensão.

O que Scratch Addons possui?

Scratch Addons contém mais de 100 addons, nas quais podem ser habilitadas e desabilitadas individualmente. Alguns addons podem ser configurados, e outros possuem predefinições, como o tema escuro para o site. Scratch Addons também inclui um pop-up, na qual pode ser usada para facilmente visualizar as suas mensagens, jogos em nuvem, e a página de configurações. Scratch Addons é traduzido para múltiplos idiomas, incluindo Português brasileiro, Alemão, Francês, Espanhol, e Japonês.

Scratch Addons é igual ao TurboWarp Addons?

TurboWarp possui alguns addons pegas do Scratch Addons nas qual podem ser utilizadas sem precisar instalar a extensão. Entretanto, Scratch Addons também inclui addons para o site do Scratch e para mostrar conteúdos através do pop-up. Portanto, ainda é útil ter o Scratch Addons mesmo que você programe usando somente o TurboWarp.

Requisitos do sistema

Quais são os requisitos do sistema para rodar o Scratch Addons?

Scratch Addons is officially supported on the desktop versions of Google Chrome (version 96 and up), Microsoft Edge (version 96 and up), and Mozilla Firefox (version 109 and up), and should also work on other desktop browsers that are based on those browsers. Please check out this page for complete information.

Can I use Scratch Addons on a mobile device?

For Android users: Yes, Scratch Addons can now be installed on Firefox for Android, but it is not recommended yet since Scratch Addons’ UI is not well-tested on touchscreens or environments with small screen sizes so some features might not work as expected. Alternatively, if you prefer Chrome you could try the Kiwi Browser.

For iOS and iPadOS users: Sadly, it is not. App Store policy does not allow browser implementations to be uploaded, which means all browsers available on that platform are just re-skinned Safari. This causes some problems (see below).

Can I use Scratch Addons on Safari?

Currently, you cannot.

First, Safari extension store requires all developers to pay an annual fee to list extensions on the store. As Scratch Addons team does not have a source of income, this makes it very hard to maintain the extension. There is also a technical problem with the implementation of browser extensions in Safari which makes some of the core features to be unusable.

Can I use Scratch Addons on the offline editor?

Scratch Addons cannot be used on the official Scratch application, including the offline editor.

As an alternative, most of the project editor addons are available on TurboWarp which has a downloadable app for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Additionally, on browsers that support Progressive Web Applications (PWA) such as Google Chrome, you can also install the TurboWarp editor as a PWA and use it without an internet connection.

Are there any incompatible programs?

Some browser extensions and userscripts may interfere with Scratch Addons. If you experience issues, you should try disabling these:

  • Scratch 3 Developer Tools: This browser extension is a copy of the Developer tools addon. You should uninstall the Developer Tools browser extension and turn on the addon instead.
  • Better3.0: This browser extension can interfere with some addons. Luckily, most of its features are also available as addons.

Security and privacy

O Scratch Addons é seguro?

Yes. Scratch Addons should not have any security issues in its most recent version. Scratch Addons is an open source project, so the code has been reviewed by Scratch Addons contributors. Additionally, Chrome Web Store, Add-ons for Firefox, and Microsoft Edge Add-ons review each new version of Scratch Addons before publishing it on their stores.

Como posso reportar uma vulnerabilidade de segurança?

If you happen to find a security vulnerability, please contact World_Languages privately by emailing worldxlanguages (at) If you don’t get a response within 48 hours, please create an issue mentioning that you had sent an email.

You can either read our security policy or check our advisories that we have published.

Minha conta estará segura se eu usar o Scratch Addons?

Yes. Features related to your Scratch account are thoroughly reviewed by Scratch Addons contributors to ensure that they will not harm your Scratch account. Scratch Addons keeps your account credentials secure, and it will not modify or delete your projects or assets without your permission. However, you may use the extension without any account-related features if you so choose.

Addons do Scratch Addons também foram revisados por vários colaboradores no repositório, de modo que ninguém pode simplesmente passar código malicioso sem a gente perceber.

We never send any confidential or personally identifying information outside of your browser. See the extension privacy policy for more information.

Using Scratch Addons

How do I enable addons?

To enable addons, first go to the settings by:

Then, find addons you’d like to enable using the sidebar or the search box. To enable an addon, click the switch on the right side of the addon tile.

Posso falar do Scratch Addons no Scratch?

You can’t, and please don’t. There is a policy that forbids mentioning browser extensions/userscripts here, and violations have resulted in Scratch Team removing posts or muting accounts. You may, however, use different methods to tell your friends about Scratch Addons.

Acho que o Scratch Addons está deixando o Scratch mais lento. O que posso fazer?

You can try disabling addons that you don’t need, especially complex features such as the variables tab, debugger, and cat blocks that watch the mouse pointer. Most addons with a performance impact will provide a warning in the extended addon information.

Some specific advices:

  • Turn off 60FPS addon. While the addon can increase the maximum speed a project can run, it does not reduce lags. To run such projects faster, use TurboWarp.
  • “Variable manager” addon should not be used while the project is running.

I cannot receive notifications. Why?

First, disable and re-enable the “Scratch Notifier” addon. This can fix some issues.

If the problem continues, then check the operating system’s notification settings. You have to allow the browser - such as Google Chrome - to send notifications.

  • Windows: Open Settings, open the “Notifications & actions” category, then find “Change notification settings for individual senders”. Read Microsoft’s help article for more detailed information.
  • macOS: Open System Preferences, then open the Notifications section. Select the browser (e.g. Google Chrome) on the left and enable notifications. Read Apple’s help article for more detailed information.

You should also make sure that “focus assist” (on Windows) or “Do Not Disturb” (on macOS) is disabled.

How do I watch recordings made with the project video recorder addon?

Due to technical limitations, videos recorded with this addon are in the WebM format. You can view .webm files using your browser (by dragging and dropping the file) or by using a media player that supports it, such as VLC Media Player.

To convert WebM files into MP4 or other formats, you can use a video conversion software that supports WebM, such as HandBrake or CloudConvert, although we recommend simply viewing these files with a browser or media player. Note that this can take a long time depending on the size of the video.

Como ativo os addons secretos?

Para mostrar os easter eggs, faça o Konami Code (↑↑↓↓←→←→BA) no seu teclado na página de configurações. Assim, os addons secretos aparecerão, e você poderá ativá-los.

Alguns de nossos addons secretos são “Corrigir capitalização de Configurações de Conta” e “Glitch do ponto e vírgula”. Confira a aba de addons para uma lista completa.


Como posso contribuir com o Scratch Addons?

Firstly, we appreciate your interest in contributing to Scratch Addons!

As an open source project, we welcome any kind of contribution. You don’t need to ask in advance – everyone is welcome to contribute! You can contribute in many ways, many of which don’t require programming knowledge.

  • Contribuir com código

    If you are familiar with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, you can contribute by fixing bugs, making adjustments, or adding features.

    To incorporate your changes into the main extension, you need to create a pull request. You can do so by forking the repository, creating a branch, making the necessary changes, and then locating the option to create a pull request. We will review it and most likely make some changes before it gets merged.

    You can also contribute to other aspects of the organization, such as our website. You can view all of our repositories on our GitHub organization page.

  • Sugerir uma ideia

    Have an idea that you think would be a good addition to Scratch Addons? Let us know!

  • Reportar um bug

    Found a bug in one of our addons, the settings page, or anything else in our extension? Send us a bug report.

  • Traduzir o Scratch Addons

    If you are fluent in another language, you can help translate/localize Scratch Addons to said language. You can start by joining the localization team.

  • Escrever a documentação

    Are you familiar with the inner workings of Scratch Addons? If so, you can write the documentation for it. The documentation is located in our website repo. Feel free to open a pull request!

  • Mandar feedback

    You can send feedback on this page. Your feedback may give us a different perspective in the extension development and help us know things needed attention and fix bugs.

  • Deixar uma resenha nas lojas

    You can leave a review about Scratch Addons on the Chrome extension page, the Firefox addon page or the Microsoft Edge addon page. This is a great way to help convince others to install the extension!

  • Deixar uma estrela no nosso repositório

    Basically, the GitHub star is similar to the Scratch star/favorite. You can do this by going to our repository and clicking the “Star” button on the top-right corner.

  • Divulgar

    You can tell anyone about Scratch Addons, including your friends, relatives, and teachers. We’re just asking you not to do this on the Scratch website.

Como posso criar meu próprio addon?

Read more about it here.

O que posso fazer se encontrar um problema?

Você pode nos contar usando um desses meios:

Acho que falta uma função na extensão. O que posso fazer?

If you want to suggest an addon for the extension or have some other kind of good idea, tell us with one of these methods.

Where can I discuss Scratch Addons?

You can do it on our Discussion tab or our support Discord server. There, you can ask questions and engage with the Scratch Addons community.


O que exatamente é um “addon”?

Um addon é parecido com uma extensão ou userscript, mas usa APIs especiais da extensão do Scratch Addons. Essas APIs permitem que addons rodem scripts em uma página do Scratch (userscripts), rodem scripts em segundo plano (scripts persistentes), ou mudem a aparência do site do Scratch (userstyles).

Userscripts can use the addon.* JavaScript APIs, which allow them to obtain Scratch-related information (for example, the currently logged in user) and use extension APIs (like sending notifications).

Se tudo é um addon, então o que o Scratch Addons faz?

By itself, Scratch Addons is just an addon loader. Its main tasks are to:

  • Permitir aos usuários ativar, desativar e configurar addons.
  • Executar addons e fornecer APIs.
  • Provide useful data to addons (for example, the addon.auth API).
  • Fornecer protótipos que os addons userscript podem usar.
  • Fornecer maneiras de acessar e modificar o estado Redux.
  • Não deixar que addons interfiram uns com os outros.
  • Evitar que addons diferentes façam o mesmo trabalho.


How can I add/remove myself to/from the contributors page?

If you want your name to be on the page, please read and follow the instructions of this issue.

If you don’t want your name to be on the page, please tell us by creating an issue on our contributors repository, or by other means of contact. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

Tenho mais perguntas!

If you have more questions that need answers, you can create a post on our Discussion tab or send a message on our support Discord server. We will answer as best we can!