
Van extensiestores

Scratch Addons is beschikbaar in deze stores.

Chrome Web Store Firefox Add-ons

Store Installeren Ondersteunde browsers Systeemvereisten
Chrome Web Store Installeren voor Chrome Web Store Google Chrome 96+
Microsoft Edge 96+
Opera 82+
Brave 1.33+
Vivaldi 5.0+
Chromium 96+
Windows 7+
OS X / MacOS 10.11+
Add-ons voor Firefox Installeren voor Add-ons voor Firefox Mozilla Firefox 109+ Windows 7+
OS X / MacOS 10.12+
Microsoft Edge-Invoegtoepassingen Install for Microsoft Edge Addons Microsoft Edge 96+ Windows 7+
OS X / MacOS 10.11+

Van bron

Unlike the store releases, installing from source requires a browser based on Chromium 121+ or Firefox 121+.

Over GitHub-releases

De pagina met releases bevat de code en installatiebestanden voor alle ontwikkelingsbuilds van Scratch Addons, net zoals de spiegel van de store-builds.

Het archief kopiëren

Dit is de aanbevolen manier om Scratch Addons te installeren voor ontwikkelingsdoeleinden, ervan uitgaande dat Git geïnstalleerd is.

If you plan on contributing, fork the repository on GitHub first and then clone the fork, replacing <username> with your Github username.

$ git clone<username>/ScratchAddons.git

Om Scratch Addons bij te werken, doe eerst cd in zijn map, en voer dan de volgende commando’s uit.

$ git fetch
$ git pull

Vergeet niet om Scratch Addons ook bij te werken vanuit de browser.

Het Zip-bestand downloaden

This method is not recommended for development unless Git cannot be installed on the system since it will need to be manually repeated every time you update Scratch Addons.

Gebruik deze methode als je Git niet hebt geïnstalleerd.

  1. Ga naar het archief en vind de code downloaden-knop.

  2. Klik erop en selecteer “ZIP downloaden”.

  3. Pak het archief in een map uit.

Installeren op Google Chrome of Microsoft Edge

Om de extensie te laden in Google Chrome en de meeste op Chromium gebaseerde browsers zoals Microsoft Edge, Opera, Brave of Vivaldi:

  1. Ga naar chrome://extensions

  2. Zet “Ontwikkelaarsmodus” rechtsboven aan

  3. Klik “Uitgepakte extensie laden” en selecteer de ScratchAddons map.

To update the extension when testing, click the refresh icon on the extension’s card.

The “Unrecognized manifest key” warnings may safely be ignored, since they are required by Firefox.

Installeren op Mozilla Firefox

To load the extension into Mozilla Firefox:

Extensions loaded into Firefox this way are temporary and must be reloaded every time the browser is restarted. Because of this Chrome is recommended for development, but everything is still expected to work on Firefox.
  1. Type about:debugging into the address bar.

  2. Click “This Firefox” on the sidebar

  3. Click “Load Temporary Add-on…”

  4. Select the manifest.json file in the ScratchAddons folder.

To reload the extension when testing, click the “Reload” button on the extension’s card.

The unexpected WebExtension manifest property warnings may safely be ignored, since they are required by Chrome.

Installing on Firefox for Android

This is only recommended if there is a mobile specific issue that cannot be easily replicated with the browser’s developer tools since extensions loaded this way are temporary and must be reinstalled over USB every time the app is restarted.

One time setup

  1. Download and extract the Android SDK Platform Tools (Windows, MacOS, Linux).
  2. Add the folder to the PATH environment variable.
  3. Install web-ext with NPM by running npm install --global web-ext.
  1. In the Android settings app, open the about page and tap the build number 7 times.
  2. Navigate to the “Developer options” page and enable “USB debugging”.
  3. Install the standard Firefox app from the Google Play store.
  4. Open the Firefox app and enable “Remote debugging via USB” in its settings.

Loading the extension

  1. Plug in the Android device and tap allow on it.
  2. Navigate to the ScratchAddons folder.
  3. Run adb devices to get the device’s serial number and ensure ADB is working.
  4. Run the following command replacing [serial number] with the one from adb devices:
web-ext run -t firefox-android --adb-device [serial number] --firefox-apk org.mozilla.firefox

The extension should install and automatically reload when changes are made, otherwise close the Firefox app and re-run the command.


Desktop Firefox can inspect extensions and active tabs running in the Firefox app over USB:

  1. On desktop Firefox type about:debugging into the address bar.
  2. Click “Enable USB Devices”.
  3. Click connect on the device in the sidebar. If none appear, restart desktop Firefox.
  4. Click on the device again.