Ekstensi Scratch Messaging itu sekarang Scratch Addons
Apa yang terjadi?
Ekstensi Scratch Messaging (oleh griffpatch) telah diperbarui dan sekarang bernama Scratch Addons.
Click the Scratch Addons icon in the extension bar to check out the new redesigned messages summary!
Scratch Addons juga mempunyai banyak fitur terkait Scratch lainnya. Untuk mengaktifkannya, buka pengaturan Scratch Addons.
Misalnya, Anda dapat mengaktifkan Scratch Notifier untuk bisa mendapatkan notifikasi browser saat Anda menerima pesan Scratch baru.
Themes and features for the Scratch project editor are also available, like Editor dark mode and Project progress bar.
What is Scratch Addons?
Scratch Addons is an "all-in-one" browser extension for Scratch. It provides features and themes, both for the Scratch website and the project editor.
Scratch Addons is completely free and open source. You can read the source code and contribute on GitHub.
Expect weekly or monthly updates, including bug fixes, enhanced features, and new features and themes!
Is there anything that I need to do?
Scratch Messaging Extension was already updated to Scratch Addons on your device. You can keep using Scratch Messaging normally by clicking the Scratch Addons icon in the extension bar.
If you'd like to enable more Scratch Addons features, go to its settings page by clicking its icon in the extension bar, then click the options icon.
Send feedback
If you have anything to say, please go here to send feedback.
You can also open a new issue on GitHub.