
Was ist wirklich ein Addon?

Actually, an addon isn’t much more than a userscript, a userstyle, or a combination of the two. If any of these are related, then we make them part of the same addon, under a single name. For example, the “Scratch 3 Developer Tools” addon has a userscript in charge of adding a find box to the editor, and a userstyle that adds CSS to that box.

Was ist ein Userscript?

A userscript is a piece of JavaScript code that runs together with a Scratch tab. You can specify where that userscript will run, for example, only project pages. Userscripts are similar to content scripts on browser extensions, and if you’ve ever used a userscript manager, you’ll notice these are basically the same.
Userscripts are useful to change the behavior of the Scratch website, for example, adding or removing buttons to the navbar.

Was ist ein Userstyle?

A userstyle is similar to a userscript; you can also specify URL patterns for them. However, userstyles inject CSS instead of JavaScript. They are often used along userscripts to style elements added by them, but they can also be used to style native Scratch elements. When that’s the case, we usually call them “themes”.

Vom Konzept her, was sollte ein Addon sein?

You might wonder if it’s a better idea to create a new addon, or modify an existing one.
If 2 addons share some of these, they should probably be merged.

  • Both need, or don’t need, permissions that require user interaction (like notifications).
  • Sie teilen sehr viel Code.
  • Der Benutzer wird beide Features vom Addon erwarten.
  • If being separated, they would interfere with each other.

Remember addons are customizable by the user - adding new functionality does not affect old users of the addon, unless we intentionally make it do so.