What's new in Scratch Addons v1.40
Introducing splash screens!
Get the latest news about Scratch Addons, in text!
Introducing splash screens!
Handle asset import conflicts, delete all but one asset, and more.
Download projects with one click and more!
Custom block parameter rearranging, new customization options, and more!
Skew shapes in costumes, make text larger, and more!
Efficient number incrementation, a throwback to Scratch 2.0, and more!
Here's how to switch from the new purple now used by the Scratch website and editor back to blue with Scratch Addons.
Badges for project creators in comments, a keyboard shortcut for pausing, and more!
Scratch Addons version 1.32 is here after about two months with a bunch of new addons and features!
Happy New Year! It’s been over two months since the last version, but we’ve been working hard on several exciting new features.
If you read this, chances are our blog is now up! We are proud to announce that we got a new blog for Scratch Addons.